Sunny and I needed to get the Visit Wabash County Welcome Center so we decided to explore the Wabash River Trail while we were in the area. The reason for out stop at the welcome center was to pick up a copy of the 2024 Exploration Guide which featured a picture of Sunny at Kokiwanee. We also received a gift certificated to Alley Cat Outfitters for having our picture selected and wanted to stop there too. So we spent our afternoon exploring the trail and downtown Wabash. What we found was a nice trail along the river and a lovely downtown area.
Wabash River Trail
The Wabash River Trail runs from Wabash to Lagro following the Wabash River for seven miles. It is a relatively flat asphalt trail with vegetation on both sides similar to the rail trails in Bloomington. It has great signage giving popular destinations and the distance. The trail is perfect for running, hiking, or biking.

Sunny and I parked at the Hill Street parking lot and followed the trail toward downtown Wabash. From this spot it’s about 1.3M to downtown. You can also go in the other direction to Lagro which is nearly 6M.
Shortly after starting our walk we found an opening in the vegetation to the left with a sign directing us to the Eilts Memorial. We followed the dirt path toward the river and found some stone seats and a memorial plaque overlooking the water. The memorial is dedicated to Ted and Gaye Eilts who, according to the plaque, had a deep appreciation of nature.

After enjoying the views at the memorial we continued on the main trail. The memorial gave one of the best views of the river as most of the rest of the trail had us looking through the trees and vegetation to see the river. And we did not find any spots to get down to the water. As we continued on the trail we passed an area with what appeared to be old bridge supports. Shortly after this we came upon Paradise Spring Historical Park.

Paradise Spring Historical Park has ten structures that were built in the early 1800’s for housing Native American Indians and soldiers who were negotiating land rights. In the late 1800’s a train depot was added. Today the structures and railroad remain as well as modern restrooms, parking, and a large grassy area perfect for picnicking. We decided this was a good time to take a rest and water break.

Downtown Wabash
After a short break we continued onto E. Market Street into downtown Wabash. Soon we found the Welcome Center located on South Miami Street. Sunny and I entered and found a welcoming group of employees who were happy to meet Sunny. After receiving our copy of the guide and gift certificate we walked to Alley Cat Outfitters which is on Berry St. This is a nice spot for purchasing gear for running, biking, and kayaking. Sunny and I explored the store and found a pair of running socks for me. After exchanging the gift certificate for the socks and visiting with the employee we headed back to the Wabash River Trail which was located behind the store.

Back on the Wabash River Trail
We walked along the trail toward the car and took a short detour that took us closer to the water. We explored that and then found another trail, Paradise Spring Riverwalk, that went closer to the water. This trail had a wood platform that allowed for a nice view of the river. Sunny enjoyed climbing up on the bench and looking at the water. From there we followed the trail back to the original trail and retraced our steps back to the parking area.

Our Rating
Sunny and I give the Wabash River Trail 3 out of 4 paws up. We enjoyed that you could travel a long distance on the trail and end up at a park or downtown Wabash. We did wish there were some dirt trails and that the trail was more challenging. Despite that it’s a great trail for those with mobility or stability issues as it is stroller and wheelchair friendly. And pairing it with an excursion downtown or a picnic at the park make for a nice outing.
How Do I Get There?
The Wabash River Trail has three parking areas Paradise Spring Historical Park in Wabash, Hill Street in Wabash, or Basin Street in Lagro. We parked at the Hill Street parking lot. Use 619 E. Hill Street as the destination and follow the trail sign to the parking lot. The trail is next to the parking lot. To walk to downtown Wabash take the trail to the right. Lagro is to the left.