Adventures With Karlie

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Have you ever had a dog that was your best friend?  If you have, this love story between Andie and her furry best friend, Karlie, will resonate with you.  Adventures with Karlie is not only the story of their relationship, but also the story of going on adventures with your dog and overcoming adversity.  

The book starts shortly after Karlie’s older sister, Anna, crosses the Rainbow Bridge and continues until Karlie joins her nearly three years later.  During that time, Andie and Karlie explore canyons, hiking trails, and parks throughout San Diego County and Monroe County, Indiana as well as some locations in Arizona, Indiana, New Mexico, and Texas.  They do all this while battling a debilitating disease that slowly takes Karlie’s ability to walk on her own away from her.  Despite that, they adapt to the changing situation and continue their adventures.

Not only does Adventures with Karlie tell their story, but it provides information and ratings on each adventure so you can follow in their footsteps.  For those not in the San Diego or Bloomington areas, Andie hopes to encourage you to get outside and find fun and interesting areas to explore with your dog.  It also provides information about Geriatric Onset Laryngeal Paralysis Polyneuropathy (GOLPP), a progressive disease that causes breathing issues and hind end weakness.  Andie shares details about the progression of the disease and what she and Karlie did to adapt and treat the disease while maintaining Karlie’s quality of life.

Not only does the book detail their story, but it also includes 33 full page color pictures at the start of every chapter showing many of the locations detailed in the book. There are also two appendixes; one with recipes of Karlie’s favorite treats and another with a list of all the locations they visited. Karlie’s tips for living your best are also sprinkled throughout the book.

Find Out More About Andie LaComb

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Adventures with Karlie review
Adventures with Karlie review
Adventures with Karlie review
Adventures with Karlie review