Fido’s Forest Revisited

Fido's Forest

It’s been eleven months since the last time we visited Fido’s Forest. We absolutely loved it the first time so I’m not sure why we haven’t been back sooner. Regardless we returned this morning and I think Sunny had even more fun than the first time. She’s used to being in the woods, but having the chance to be off leash and explore what she wants and at her pace was priceless. I loved seeing her just being a dog and tried to keep up as she explored and made new paths through the woods. Since this visit was all about Sunny and her choices, I thought I would let her write today’s review.

Sunny’s Perspective on Fido’s Forest

What can I say? This was the best adventure EVER! I was so surprised when Andie took off my leash and harness and said “Go have fun!”. What does that even mean? Well, it didn’t take me long to find out. I was able to just run and explore EVERYTHING. There are trails through the forest, but those really are only suggestions. I mean who can keep on a trail when all the best stuff is in the woods and off the path? Plus it was super fun watching Andie try to make her way through the forest and keep up with me.

What I really like about the forest is, well, it’s a forest. There are downed tree limbs and trunks, so many critter smells, some benches and tree trunks to climb on, and a big tree root ball. They even have some tennis balls and other toys if you are into that kind of thing. I like to play with toys, but when I’m in the forest there are too many other interesting things to keep me busy to bother with toys. But if that’s your jam there is a box full of toys plus tennis balls in the fence at the entrance.

smelling all the good smells
posing on bench at Fido's Forest
smelly tree root ball
tennis balls at Fido's Forest

I don’t know how big the forest is, but I did my best to explore every square inch at least a couple times. I think my favorite part was some big tree trunks I found off the paths. Those had the best smells. I went back and forth giving them several good sniffs and then I returned a little later to do it again. I also liked smelling through the fence. There is a big fence around the whole place, but I stuck my nose in it to see what it smelled like on the other side. I also liked the big tree root ball from a tree that fell over. I’m pretty sure there were some critters under there and I did a lot of sniffing trying to find them.

good smells in the forest
climbing on tree limbs
running along the fence
natural jumps
all smiles at Fido's Forest

We also played the recall game. That is one of my favorites because every time I get back to Andie she tells me how smart and good I am and then gives me some tasty treats. I like to see how fast I can run back. We did that a couple times and that was great fun.

playing recall game
playing recall game

After a lot of running around and exploring it was time to leave. I was okay with that because I was getting a little tired. We went through the gate and I sat pretty at the second gate that leads to the parking lot. We were happy to see that no one else had entered the parking lot. I don’t mind meeting other dogs and people, but those are the rules. I got my boost into the car and we headed home. What a great adventure!

time to go home

Sunny’s Rating

If I could give Fido’s Forest more than 4 paws up I would. There’s nothing not to love – fenced forest with natural jumps (downed tree trunks and limbs), fun places to explore, and the smells are AMAZING! If you haven’t been yet, you need to book a visit pronto. Have your person check out their website today and book your visit.

How Do I Get There?

Take 69 toward Fort Wayne and exit at Dupont Road. Go west on Dupont Road for about 1.5M and then turn left onto Coldwater Road. After less than a mile, turn right onto E. Till Road. After 3 miles take the second exit to Till/Hugenard Road and continue another .6M and turn left on W. Wallen Road. Continue another half a mile and look for the Fido’s Forest sign on the right at 4582 W. Wallen Road, Fort Wayne. Pull into the parking lot and enter the entry code at the gate to enter the forest. Remember to look for the sign that says “Welcome to the Forest” and not to enter if it says “Stop – Loose Dog In the Park”.

Fido's Forest sign on Wallen Road
Welcome sign
loose dog in park sign

For more information about Fido’s Forest check out these websites

Fido’s Forest website

Andie’s perspective on Fido’s Forest

5 Unique Things to Do in Fort Wayne | Rent.

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