Sweet Karlie – I can’t believe today is the second anniversary of saying goodbye. I remember your last day like it was yesterday and yet it seems like forever. That was a sad day but you gave us one last gift of a trip to the beach and your beautiful smile. I’ve been back to our spot at Windansea Beach a few times since that day. I like to look out into the ocean and it always brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes.

anniversary Karlie at Windansea Beach

We’ve been back in San Diego for a few months now (the first time since we said goodbye) and I am reminded of you every day. Not just in the condo where I see your beautiful face in pictures on our walls, but on the streets. You owned these streets. So many people were routing for you and loved seeing you with your wheels. I loved sharing you with them and telling them about your wheels in the hopes that they would help another senior dog with hind end weakness. We walked so many miles on these streets and have so many memories. Starbucks and Bird Rock Coffee Roasters reminds me of getting you puppacinos. You were so happy licking the cups. CVS reminds me of the time we walked around outside while your buddy was inside buying some things. That’s one of my happiest memories and I’m so glad I captured our smiles in a photograph. Windansea reminds me not only of your last day, but the day we went to watch the sunset and you used your wheels on the sand. Mission Bay reminds me of all the times we kayaked there. I was so proud that you adapted to the SUP board after only ever being on a kayak before that. Liberty Station reminds me of all the times we walked there especially during COVID. Santa Margarita River Trail Preserve and Lake Miramar remind me of all of our adventures there since they were our favorite places. Trader Joe’s reminds me of the times during COVID that we stood outside in the line and then buddy went inside to do the shopping while we waited outside. Kate Sessions Park reminds me of all the times we played with a tennis ball there. And there are SO many more memories. We had a lifetime of wonderful memories and I am forever grateful I got to spend that time with you.

anniversary having a puppacino at Starbucks
Andie and Karlie outside CVS
kayaking on Mission Bay
Karlie at Windansea Beach
Karlie at LIberty Station

So on this second anniversary I am thinking of you and the wonderful life we shared. I am thankful for the time we had, the adventures we took, and all the memories we made. And I miss you EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

My sweet little Bug, I love you forever and can’t wait until we meet again.

anniversary Karlie and Andie at Kate Sessions Trails

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