
Christmas 2021 was fantastic! Despite knowing it was likely Karlie's last one, it was one of our happiest celebrations. We had returned to our condo in San Diego in early…

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Batman and Robin

Ever have a best friend who loved you unconditionally, was always happy to see you, and was willing to tag along on any outing you suggested? Karlie was that for…

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Thanksgiving has always been special to me, but it's probably not for the reasons you think. It's not about getting together with family or having a big feast. For me…

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Porter West Preserve

The Sycamore Land Trust is a nonprofit conservation group that protects land, restores habitat, and provides nature preserves to hike around Bloomington, Indiana. They own and maintain more than 10,500…

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Lake Lemon

Lake Lemon is one of three lakes in the Bloomington, Indiana area that we've visited to hike the trails. We had been to Griffy Lake and Lake Monroe many times,…

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