Baw Beese Trail

Baw Beese Lake

Another warm, sunny, fall day so we ventured to southern Michigan to explore the Baw Beese Trail. Although the route from Northern Indiana is a bit convoluted it is well worth the trip.

As you drive along Lakeview Dr. to Sandy Beach where we parked, you get a lovely view of Baw Beese Lake. A short way down the road you will see Owens Park on the right hand side. This is a lovely park with access to the lake, playground equipment, and picnic tables. We continued driving past the park until we came to Sandy Beach. We parked there and then walked across the road to the start of the trail.

Sunny on picnic table at Owens Park

The trail is a wide asphalt trail with tall trees on either side that is shared by bikers, runners, and walkers. It is 8.2M long, however we only walked about 2M before turning around. Near the start of the trail is a memorial to black bears and a park bench. Sunny enjoyed posing near those.

Baw Beese Trail
Sunny and the bears
Sunny on the bench at Baw Beese Trail

As we continued on the trail we saw views of Baw Beese Lake. We also found another trail, Lockhaven Path, that climbed to a housing development. After walking to the end of that trail we turned around and walked back to the Baw Beese Trail. We continued on the Baw Beese Trail to Barnard St. before turning around. On our way back to the car we explored Owens Park where we found opportunities for Sunny to get her toes wet.

Lockhaven Path
Sunny on the rocks on Lockhaven Path
Lockhaven Path

Our Rating

Sunny and I give Baw Beese Trail 4 out of 4 paws up. It really has everything we look for in a great adventure – a wooded, scenic trail, the ability to walk several miles, a view of water and the ability to get our toes wet, good parking, and restrooms. Baw Beese Trail and the nearby parks have all this as well as playground equipment, boat launches, and picnic tables. This is an outing that most everyone could find something to enjoy and since the trail is asphalt and flat it would be appropriate for everyone.

How do I get there?

Hillsdale, MI is not the easiest place to get to, but it sure is worth it. We parked at the Sandy Beach, but there is also parking at Owens Park. To get there take I-69 and exit on Copeland Road toward Kinderhook. Follow Copeland Road for about 3M and turn left onto S. Fremont Rd. After 2M turn right onto Lester Rd. Continue for 5.5M and turn left onto Kelley Rd. After half a mile turn right onto Reading Rd. Continue for 3M and then stay straight when Reading veers to the right. You will now be on Abbott Rd. Continue for 1.3M and then turn right onto W. Card Rd. Continue for 7M and then turn left onto S. Hillsdale Rd. Follow for 1.5M and then turn right onto E. Bear Lake Rd. After a mile turn left on Steamburg Rd. After nearly a mile turn right onto M-99N and follow for about half a mile. Turn right onto Ash Te Wette Beach Dr and then turn left onto Steamburg Dr. Follow for .7M and turn right onto Lakeview Dr. Continue for .3M and then turn right onto Waterworks Ave which turns into Lakeview Dr. Continue and park at Owens Park or Sandy Beach. During the season there is a $5/car fee to park at Sandy Beach.

For more information on Baw Beese Trail check out the Trail-Link website.

Baw Beese Trail

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