Being back in San Diego for the winter makes me miss Karlie more than usual. We walk the same streets and neighborhoods where she spent several years living and then returned for her last winter. There are so many reminders. I also take Sunny on the same adventures that Karlie and I took. I am reminded of her every day in so many ways. While it’s comforting and brings a smile to my face, it is also bittersweet because she is not here.
It’s been three years since we said goodbye and while I am not as heartbreakingly sad, I can’t believe she’s been gone that long. I can’t believe it’s been three years since I saw her sweet face smiling at me. I take solace in knowing we had the best life together and that I am sharing the same places and adventures with Sunny and hopefully giving her the best life. That keeps Karlie’s memory alive while doing something that both Sunny and I love. And this year on the third anniversary of Karlie’s last day we ventured to one of our favorite places – Santa Margarita River Trail.
We started our adventure early leaving the house at 8A and arriving at the Santa Margarita Trail before 9:30A. I was surprised to see that the parking lot was nearly empty. After parking the car we started hiking on the trail. The memories of my visits with Karlie filled my thoughts. And as we hiked we came across spots where I had photographed Karlie. I took the opportunity to take pictures of Sunny in these areas. Our hike ended at the river crossing which we have never crossed. We explored the area before climbing on a rock and sharing a snack while my thoughts wandered to being there with Karlie the first time. After a little while we hiked back to the car and headed home. It was a good hike and a great way to share a special place with Sunny while remembering Karlie. I like to think that Karlie was watching and smiling down on us.