Sunny and I returned to the Pufferbelly Trail, but this time we hopped on at the Parkview YMCA in Fort Wayne. We tried to hike this section of the trail several months ago, but ended up on the Salomon Farm Trail instead. See “How do I get there?” to find out how easy that is to do.
The Pufferbelly Trail is an asphalt trail through the woods with a creek running along and under it in some areas. Unfortunately we did not find any way to easily get down to the water. At times the trail also passes by the backyards of homes. As it traverses many miles, it intersects with roads where the vehicle traffic is not required to stop. Luckily there are stop signs for trail users reminding them that cross traffic does not stop.
The Pufferbelly Trail reminds us of the rail trails in Bloomington – asphalt trails through a wooded area. This section feels less like a walk through the city than the section near Franke Park. Although the trail is nearly 7 miles, we only walked 1.5 miles before turning around.

Our Rating
We rate this part of the Pufferbelly Trail 3 out of 4 paws up. The trail is wide making it easy for cyclists and other walkers to pass each other. The trail does not allow access to the creek and there are no restrooms. Although Sunny and I prefer hiking in the woods on dirt trails, this is a nice option for those who want to cycle or who have mobility issues.
How do I get there?
From Dupont Road in Fort Wayne, turn onto Dawsons Creek Blvd. Follow that to the entrance to the Parkview YMCA. Turn into the parking lot, take a left, drive past the playground, and park near the back of the lot. The trail is at the back of the parking lot. There are two trails – Salomon Farm Trail and Pufferbelly Trail. The first trail is the Salomon Trail. As you walk toward that trail you will see a clearing through the woods that leads to the Pufferbelly Trail. You can also access the Pufferbelly Trail by taking a left on the Salomon Farm Trail and walking toward the entrance to the YMCA parking lot. There you will see a sign on the right for the Pufferbelly Trail.

For more information about Fort Wayne Trails check out the Fort Wayne Trails website.