Today we ventured to the Lonidaw Nature Preserve in Kendallville, Indiana. What a little gem and another Acres Land Trust location.
The preserve is located off North Allen Chapel Road with a nice gravel parking area that holds around 6 vehicles. Walk to the back of the parking lot and there is an opening into the woods. Once you enter the woods, the trail is packed dirt and gravel. It’s quite wide with trees and vegetation on both sides. There are side trails off the main trail and every time there was a choice to make, we took the trail to the right. This allowed us to hike all the trails and loop around back to the parking area.

Most of the trail is flat, but there area a few sections with steep inclines and descents. Although the trail starts fairly wide, it narrows as it progresses. There is one section that is the land of the fallen and downed trees making for some interesting sites. There is also a small creek that runs through the woods with a bridge over it. Sunny enjoyed getting down to the water and putting her feet in it.

Our Rating
Although the trail is just under a mile, it is a fun hike and one that we will return to do. Sunny and I give Lonidaw Nature Preserve 3 out of 4 paws up. The only downsides for us are the short distance of the hike and the lack of restrooms. Because of the narrow section of the trail and the inclines and descents this hike is only recommended for those with good mobility and stability.
How do I get there?
Take Route 6 to Kendallville and head north on North Allen Chapel Road. After just under a mile you’ll see an Acres Land Trust sign on the left. This leads to the gravel parking lot.
For more information check out Acres Land Trust website.