Ever have a best friend who loved you unconditionally, was always happy to see you, and was willing to tag along on any outing you suggested? Karlie was that for me and I was that for her. We were like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, Batman and Robin. We just fit together; the bond we had was extraordinary. It was unlike any I’ve had with any of my other dogs…or that I anticipate ever having again. She adored me and I adored her.
Karlie joined our family because our dog, Anna, needed a friend. We had recently said goodbye to our older Border Collie, Jasmine. Unfortunately, Anna just wasn’t doing well being an “only dog”. So I checked the website of the rescue from which we adopted Anna. They had recently rescued seven puppies and Karlie was one of them. After introducing the two girls in a neighborhood green space and having a sleep over, we decided to adopt Karlie. She easily fit into our family and brought back the joy and happiness to our home. She became not only Anna’s best friend, but mine.
After Anna crossed the rainbow bridge in 2019, I started to take Karlie on adventures. I wanted to keep the two of us busy so we would not miss Anna so much. We explored parks, canyons, and beaches in San Diego County and southern Indiana. This was our favorite thing to do and something I encourage everyone to do with their dogs. Find fun adventures which can be anything you both enjoy doing. For Karlie and me it was hiking in the woods and canyons, going to the beach, running errands at home improvement stores, wandering around nurseries, going to the park to play with a tennis ball, and getting an ice cream treat.
You will be amazed at the joy taking your dog on adventures will bring to both of you. Your dog will love exploring new places and being with you. This will help you build on your relationship with your dog. Hopefully you will be lucky enough to find a Robin to your Batman, like I did.